An Interesting Attempt At Getting User Signups

March 21, 2013

I think almost anyone on the internet has seen this message

“Log In With Facebook (Twitter, G+) To View”

And I do not think I’m alone in that I leave the page as soon as I see one of them. Normally these messages all come in the same form but today I saw something clever.

Are You Over 13?

Instead of just presenting it in the normal we-just-want-your-information way, this site is able to offer a (shaky) justification while still forcing user signups. The whole idea behind it is a farce (the opacity is so low that you can see the image anyways) but it stil is an interesting way to increase user signups.

You can view the live example here.

Discussion, links, and tweets

I'm a New York City Rails Dev. Follow me on Twitter or don't, I can't tell. But you really should, there has to be some interesting stuff there.